Salsa On2

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One Point Turn lesson

The One Point Turn is the first of three traveling turns (along with the Two Point and Three Point Turns). The turn will help you learn to move across the floor while turning. Check out the lesson with David Stein to help you master these salsa turns. »

One Point Freeze video lesson

This salsa move is all about your own creativity. A One Point Freeze is simply designed to fill time within the music the way you feel it. Use a One Point Freeze to move the different parts of your body to the salsa music. Check out the video lesson for some really good tips from David Stein on how to move. »

Ladies Prep Turn thumbnail

This is a common salsa turn for the follower. However, it's also a good way for the lead to improve their skills. Check out the lesson for another salsa turn variation with David Stein. »

Jazzy lesson image

In salsa, you can incorporate many styles of dance. The Jazzy step is just that - a jazzy step. Take a look at the video lesson from David Stein for a great way to change up your typical salsa steps. »

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