Salsa On2

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Step Up lesson thumbnail

This is a fun and jazzy step. Step Up is used in many types of dance, but it works very well in salsa. This step has a lot of rhythm and movement. You can easily add your own style to this salsa step. Check out some David Stein's style in the salsa video lesson. »

Swing Step lesson thumbnail

This salsa move can be as simple or as complicated as you want to make it. Swing Step. This is a very common move in salsa routines, but can always draw applause when done well. Check out some great styling from David Stein for this salsa step. »

Grapevine video lesson

Grapevine is a quick and stylish salsa step. You will see variations of this step used in many salsa performances. It can be a bit difficult to learn, but once you have it down, you'll really feel the rhythm of the step. »

Flair lesson

Add some flair to your salsa steps with the Flair salsa step. Another jazzy style dance lesson from David Stein. Take this move to the dance floor and show your style. »

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