Learn some salsa steps with our free lessons.


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Wa Bam Salsa Video by Jennifer and David Stein

This upper-intermediate salsa on1 lesson is fast and fun. Partner connection is very important in this salsa combo in order to make it work right and look good. The lesson uses lead and follow turns to build the excitement. »

Cha Cha Flick image

Serena Cuevas of Deseo Dance Company demonstrates a great Cha Cha step and some sexy ladies styling in this Cha Cha lesson. This video is an intermediate level lesson, but also can be used by anyone for basic Cha Cha footwork, timing, and styling. »

Crazy Hand Juggling image

This salsa lesson demonstrates several hand changes and turns to really show off your skills. David Stein and Jennifer Stein will demonstrate some cool hand changes and ladies styling throughout the video. Also, don't miss the slow motion feature at the end of the video lesson. »

Lead and Follow Basic Salsa Steps video lesson

Now it's time to start using your basic salsa steps while dancing with a partner. In this lesson, David Stein and Jennifer Stein of Majesty in Motion will show you a combination of basic salsa steps and how to lead and follow them with your partner. Check out this video lesson for some good beginner tips and techniques that will help you get start salsa dancing right away. »

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